Opening hours

Mon-Fri  8-12  14-18
Sat 8-9 Sun  18-19
During our absence, please contact the workplace:
VETINO Jaggy Brno s.r.o.
Komárovská 5, Brno
Tel.: +420 545 234 035
+420 546 221 174 +420 774 953 513


About us

We are family veterinary clinic with long tradition, treating small animals since 1992.

Since then, our workplace came a long way and from a small office at ZOO Brno we gradually became a modern clinic with strong technical background and highly qualified personnel. Our goal is high proficiency and profesional approach to both our patients and their owners and our desire is to make animals and humans feel well. Our common patients include dogs, cats, small mammals, exotic animals, reptiles and birds.




We have surgical department with two surgical rooms and postoperative hospitalization at Kominska 3, Bystrc.

We provide soft tissue surgery, orthopedic surgery, ophthalmic (eye) surgery, etc.

The department is equipped with inhalation anesthesia, monitoring, digital X-ray, rigid and flexible endoscopy, dental unit, etc.

Internal medicine

Internal medicine

Internal diseases often form complex medical issues, which should be treated with a comprehensive approach (clinical examination, laboratory tests, ultrasonography, X-ray, EKG (ECG), endoscopy etc.).

  • dermatology
  • endocrinology
  • gastroenterology
  • cardiology
  • prevention and consultancy
  • respiratory diseases
  • neurology
  • oncology
  • urology and nephrology
Laboratory examination

Laboratory examination

At our clinic we perform sampling in dogs, cats, small mammals, reptiles and birds. Some samples are processed directly at the clinic, others are sent to accredited laboratories in the Czech Republic and abroad. We cooperate with IDEXX, Laboklin, VLABO, VFU, Vedilab.

  • biochemical and hematological blood tests
  • urinalysis
  • parasitological examination of feces
  • bacteriological, virological and mycological examination
  • cytological examination
  • allergen analysis
  • genetic examination
  • FIV and FeLV in cats
  • blood groups in cats
  • sex determination in birds
  • histological examination
  • autopsy
Medicine of small mammals and exotic animals

Medicine of small mammals and exotic animals

Thanks to the work in Zoo Brno working with exotic animals became our hobby. We use experience gained while working in a Zoo Brno and continuous further education in this field to help treat these patients.

Among our patients are frequently small mammals, reptiles and birds. In these patients we provide advice, consultation and prevention in breeding, clinical examination, laboratory tests and surgery.

Obstetrics, gynecology and andrology

Obstetrics, gynecology and andrology

Due to many years of experience at the department of obstetrics and gynecology at the Veterinary University Brno we also deal with the issues of reproductive organs.

  • diagnosis of oestrus and pregnancy
  • semen analysis
  • artificial insemination
  • solving complicated births, cesarean section
  • neonatology
  • castration
  • diseases of the mammary gland


Patients with dental disease are among the most frequent patients at veterinary practices.

  • dental hygiene (ultrasound removal of tartar and enamelpolishing)
  • periodontal treatment
  • tooth extraction
  • tooth decay
  • replacement of crowns and missing enamel
  • bad bite
  • malocclusion of small mammals


Veterinary ophthalmology is a rapidly developing field that has undergone considerable progress in veterinary medicine.

When diagnosing a serious eye disease we cooperate with specialized ophthalmological practices.

We offer basic diagnostics (eyelids, lacrimal apparatus, cornea, conjunctiva, the anterior eye segment, ocular fundus, measuring eye pressure), surgery (ectropion, entropion, corneal flap), medical therapy.

Our Team

MVDr. Markéta Anděrová Veterinary doctor

MVDr. Lucie Fialová Veterinary doctor

MVDr. Jana Fialová Veterinary doctor

MVDr. Jana Kubernátová Veterinary doctor

Ing. Petra Hortová Veterinary nurse

Mgr. Ludmila Kotlánová Veterinary nurse



Veterina U Zoo

U Zoo 13, Brno 63500
+420 546 221 174
+420 774 953 513

Opening hours

Mon-Fri  8-12  14-18
Sat 8-9 Sun  18-19

Treatment outside the opening hours is possible via phone arrangement.

During our absence, please contact the workplace:
VETINO Jaggy Brno s.r.o.
Komárovská 5, Brno
Tel.: +420 545 234 035
